The daily life of franks according to written sources at the time of Gregory of Tours: clothing, military affairs, urban life and customs

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This paper is a logical continuation of our paper «The daily life of Franks according to written sources at the time of Gregory of Tours, I: diseases, medicine, hygiene and food». This paper is an attempt to collect and systematize information about the material conditions of life in the Frankish state of the Merovingians in the 6th century in the descriptions of contemporary authors. The choice of the topic is due to the need to compose a complete picture of a person’s life from the beginning of the early Middle Ages, which until now has remained poorly researched, unlike the Carolingian period. The sources used are the writings of Gregory of Tours, Venantius Fortunatus, Apollinaris Sidonius, The Chronicle of Fredegar, «The History Book of the Franks» and others. The paper collects data on the clothes of various population groups, on the weapons and armor of the Franks and the level of military affairs development, on cities and urban life, and some features of the mentality of so far half barbaric society. The collected material allows us to state that: a) the sources of the early Merovingian period, in contrast to the Carolingian era, are distinguished by the extreme scarcity of data in the field of genesis; b) despite a rather primitive look of clothing, it possessed considerable material value, as well as it had a significant essence, c) Roman cities continued to exist on the territory of Gallia, but largely lost their urban character, turning into fortified centers, and c) Christianization had very little influence on the moral character of the Franks; society remained largely barbaric, although some features indicate the beginning of the formation of a new civilization.

About the authors

Igor Valentinovich Kazakov

Samara State University of Social Sciences and Education

Author for correspondence.

candidate of historical sciences, associate professor of World History, Law and Methods of Teaching Department

Russian Federation, Samara


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