Environment features and protective behavior of chortobionts and dendrobionts species of leaf beetles (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae)

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During 1974–2016, the protective behavior of 14 background species of leaf beetles (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae) was studied within the Central and North-Eastern areas of the Samara Region: 7 – inhabitants of open areas and 7 – dendrobionts. During the 40-year period of the research, fine measurements of the microclimate of the grassland of steppes, meadows, ruderal vegetation and agrocoenoses, as well as forest stands, stakes and forest belts on 18 similar parameters were carried out. The qualitative microclimatic components of the boundaries of motor activity of insects in the environment of their typical habitats are determined; the rhythm and dependence of leaf eaters on the weather conditions of the natural environment are estimated; the types of protective adaptations, series of behavioral manifestations under the action of abiotic and biotic (mainly predators) agents of the environment are elucidated. The modes of the dominant effects on the body – the level of illumination, humidity regime, the strength of wind flows are revealed. Adaptations, passive and active motor protective reactions of leaf beetles in response to the action of 3 types of influences are considered. It has been found that for species existing in a certain climatic continuum there is a significant degree of tolerance to environmental factors prevailing in this biotope. In addition to the real protective motor reactions in the active phases of leaf beetles there is a whole system of congenital morphological and physiological adaptations that allow insects to experience many negative environmental influences.

About the authors

Sergey Ivanovich Pavlov

Samara State University of Social Sciences and Education

Author for correspondence.
Email: pavlov@pgsga.ru

candidate of biological sciences, associate professor of Chair of Biology, Ecology and Methods of Teaching

Russian Federation, Samara

Andrey Stepanovich Yaitsky

Samara State University of Social Sciences and Education

Email: yaitsky@pgsga.ru

senior lecturer of Chair of Biology, Ecology and Methods of Teaching

Russian Federation, Samara

Farit Talgatovich Miniyarov

Astrakhan State University

Email: fminiyarov@mail.ru

candidate of biological sciences, associate professor of Biotechnology, Zoology and Aquaculture Department, head of Experimental Zoology Laboratory

Russian Federation, Astrakhan


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Figure 1 - Open and closed habitats of leaf beetles. 1 - typical herbage of open habitats of leaf beetles (Fig. N. Rogovoy and SI Pavlova): numbers indicate its tiers: a - basal, b - central, c - upper; 2 - a clearing in a dense deciduous forest - mature trees (3rd tier), bright green undergrowth (2nd tier) and bushes (1st tier) are visible (photo by OV Pavlova); 3 - the beetle Clytra quadripunctata hides from the sun under a leaf blade during feeding (photo by V.N. Makarenkov); 4 - clutch of leaf beetle Chrysolina graminis, placed in the shade of a tall wormwood leaf (photo by S.I. Pavlov); 5 - the strategy of protection from the wind of the larvae of Plagiodera versicolora: a - in calm weather or with a weak wind, the larvae are usually dispersed over the entire surface of the leaf, b - during a strong wind, the larvae slide into a dense group to the base of the leaf blade, where the amplitude of substrate oscillations is 2–3 times less than in the near-top part (fig. SI Pavlov); 6 - during a sudden strong wind, copulating beetles of Plagiodera versicolora are grouped on a willow leaf, along its central vein (photo by S.I. Pavlov); 7 - colonization of wheat at the stage of "emergence - tillering" by beetles Oulema melanopus that emerged from wintering grounds (insects concentrate in the sector "a", closed from the wind) (Fig. SI Pavlov); 8 - regrouping of adults of O. melanopus on wheat at the stage of its "steming" into a more rarefied and better warmed up sector "b" (Fig. S. I. Pavlov)

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3. Figure 2 - Protective adaptations and behavior of chorto- and dendrobionts: 1 - the beetle Labidostomis humeralis caught in the rain took a protective pose corresponding to the weather situation (photo by V. Dmitriev); 2 - the green color of the covers with bright metallic iridescence well hides the Chrysolina menthastri beetle from potential predators (photo by V.N. Makarenkov); 3 - wide "field" of dark red elytra in combination with black head, pronotum and legs - a reliable aposematic marker for the Chrysomela populi beetle (photo by V.N. Makarenkov); 4 - an even more effective warning signal is a combination of red "fields" and black spots and stripes on the integument of the beetle Entomoscelis adonidis (photo by V.N. Makarenkov); 5 - in case of a sudden appearance of a predator, the Galeruca tanaceti beetle, unable to escape urgently, secretes from the mouth opening a large drop of hemolymph, poisonous for enemies (photo by N.A. Berezin); 6 - brown-yellow elytra with black spots and mother-of-pearl tint successfully mask the beetle Cassida nebulosa among variegated grass (photo by OV Pavlova); 7 - the camouflage of the Cassida vibex beetle is so perfect that if the insect had no smell at all, it would be practically invulnerable to its enemies (photo by V.N. Makarenkov); 8 - the integument of the body of the beetle Cassida viridis is so flattened that even the outer edges of the pronotum and elytra do not bend upward (photo by K.V. Makarov)

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Copyright (c) 2019 Pavlov S.I., Yaitsky A.S., Miniyarov F.T.

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