Organization of lexical-semantic studies at the elementary school based on agnomic risk zones vocabulary definition

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This paper reviews an up-to-date problem of organization of lexical-semantic studies at the elementary school. Existing traditional approaches are unfortunately within the framework of the Russian language teaching methodology, and thus do not create a language and cultural area that provides successful acquirement of knowledge and communication goals. The school practice shows that one of the main reasons, which negatively influence the quality of production, perception and understanding of texts by students, is the agnonymy which has a direct correlation with periphery layers of the vocabulary. Agnonyms mainly include archaisms, historisms, obsolete words, scientific terms as well as words and phrases which are rarely or never used by a child in everyday life. Such words being met in various school-books make it difficult for the students to perceive and produce the texts. This paper provides types of tasks which let a teacher choose certain didactic materials (in accordance with school-books of educational-methodical complex) based on students’ agnomic risk zones vocabulary that will be defined. This will facilitate to broaden school students’ outlook, their language and cultural communication.

About the authors

Anna Yuryevna Avdonina

Samara Branch of Moscow Pedagogical State University

Author for correspondence.

candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor of Pedagogy Department

Russian Federation, Samara


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