Development of museum activities on the territory of Orenburg Region and Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic during the «Thaw»

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This paper discusses the development of cultural life of the Orenburg Region and Bashkiria on the example of museum business during the «Thaw». The author shows that the development of the museum network in the southern Urals in the second half of the 1950s is associated with the general rise of cultural and scientific life of the country after the 20th Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. During this period, the interest to archaeological activities also increased. The popularization of the museum business in the region took place thanks to the activities of the museum staff that began to resort to various forms of communication with visitors: exhibitions, lectures, etc. The flow of museum visitors increased every year. The analysis of periodic publications and data archives helped to conclude that the museum business on the territory of the southern Urals during the «Thaw» was successful as new museums opened, because it was necessary to introduce culture to the population of the regions. If we consider the specifics of the opened museums, most of them were local lore. Due to the involvement of the region’s population, the museum funds were actively replenished with artifacts. In the early 60s of the XX century new museums were opened as well as Askin Museum of local lore was created on a voluntary basis in the Republic of Bashkortostan (Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic).

About the authors

Irina Pavlovna Morozova

Lyceum № 2

Author for correspondence.

teacher of history and social theory

Russian Federation, Orenburg


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