Biocenotic complexes of lakes and estuaries of the southern and central Primorye

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The studies of lakes and estuaries of the central and southern Primorye, conducted in 2005–2013 in the warm period of the year (May–October), allowed to distinguish them in the composition of fish catches and nektobenthos (crabs, prawns and shrimps). In accordance with the data of cluster analysis, 7 biocenotic complexes were identified in the studied reservoirs: lakes in the south of Primorye and the accessory system of the Razdolnaya river, the Gladkaya and Tesnaya rivers; the Ryazanovka, the Barabashevka rivers, the mouth of the Artyomovka river and the central Primorye rivers; the lower course of the river Razdolnaya, the Artyomovka and the Skotovka rivers, the upper part of the Sukhodol estuary; the main part of the Razdolnaya estuary; the Sukhodol estuary and the marine part of the estuaries of the central Primorye. The average specific biomass of hydrobionts in the lakes and estuaries of the southern and central Primorye was 6,4 g/m², or, which is also the same t/km², of which fish is 84,7% by weight. So-iuy mullet or redlip mullet Planiliza haematocheila (1,036) prevailed by biomass, young common rudd Tribolodon spp. (0,904) and Eriocheir japonica (0,606 g/m²) followed it. In all seven biocenotic complexes Acanthogobius lactipes, Crangon spp., Gasterosteus nipponicus, Gymnogobius urotaenia, Palaemon spp., Pungitius sinensis, Tribolodon spp. and Tridentiger brevispinis were found. In total, 68 expeditions were carried out (700 catches) in the warm period of the year (May–October), 106 taxa of fish and nektobenthos were revealed.

About the authors

Pavel Gennadyevich Milovankin

Pacific Branch of Russian Federal Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography

Author for correspondence.

researcher of Applied Biocenology Laboratory

Russian Federation, Vladivostok


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Supplementary files

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2. Fig. 1

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3. Fig. 2

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