Ecological parks educational environment usage at Biology lessons in schools (on the example of N.A. Avrorin Polar-Alpine Botanical Garden-Institute)

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The paper is devoted to the search of alternative ways to update school Biology curriculum. Creation of educational environment at the premises of ecological parks is considered to be an innovative and promising prospective approach that meets contemporary demands and follows central developmental trends of society. Based on the results of practicing Biology teachers’ poll, we give an expediency analysis of engaging ecological parks educational opportunities for school lessons. According to available data as well as based on the structure and the content of biological education prescribed for secondary school, the author’s program «Kola Land nature» has been developed. The content of our program is an addition to the General program line «Biology for 6-9 classes» created by V.V. Pasetchnik, it matches the themes of a school Biology course: «Biology as a science of vital nature», «Cellular structure of organisms», «Plant kingdom», «Diversity of fauna», «Ecosystems». Effectiveness evaluation of the author’s educational program «Kola Land nature» was realized in the ecological park of N.A. Avrorin Polar Alpine Botanical Garden & Institute. The obtained data confirm that the program usage as an addition to the basic school Biology course improves the level of its mastering by students.

About the authors

Elena Garisonovna Mitina

Murmansk Arctic State University; N.A. Avrorin Polar-Alpine Botanical Garden-Institute of Kola Scientific Centre of Russian Academy of Sciences


doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor of Natural Sciences Department; research consultant

Russian Federation, Murmansk; Apatity

Anastasia Vladimirovna Ishchenko

Kola Scientific Center of Russian Academy of Sciences

Author for correspondence.

junior researcher of Medical and Biological Technologies Laboratory

Russian Federation, Apatity


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Figure 1 - The content and structure of the school biology program

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3. Figure 2 - Components of the educational environment of the PABSI Ecopark

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4. Figure 3 - Content of the program "Nature of the Kola Territory"

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5. Figure 5 - The level of mastering the school curriculum in biology of the participants in the control group before the start of the experiment

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6. Figure 6 - The level of mastering the school curriculum in biology of the participants in the experimental group before the start of the experiment

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7. Figure 7 - Comparison of the levels of mastering the school curriculum in biology of the participants in the control and experimental groups before the start of the experiment

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8. Figure 8 - The level of mastering the school curriculum in biology of the participants in the control group at the end of the experiment

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9. Figure 9 - Comparison of the levels of mastering the school curriculum in biology of the participants in the control and experimental groups at the end of the experiment

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Copyright (c) 2019 Mitina E.G., Ishchenko A.V.

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