The study of senior preschoolers’ readiness for social orientation in the organizations of additional education

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The paper presents a technique of defining the level of development of senior preschoolers’ readiness for social orientation in the organizations of additional education. It contains diagnostic tools that determine the level of development of senior preschoolers’ readiness for social orientation in these organizations. The paper presents the level characteristics of the main structural components of readiness for social orientation in relation to the senior preschool age (personal, cognitive and activity): high, medium, low and unformed. To identify the level of each component development, criteria and evaluation indicators are identified, as well as methods of study, including a method of problem situations, a survey, practice-oriented tasks. With the help of the developed method the author carried out an experiment (ascertaining experiment), its results are presented in the paper. The paper describes in detail one of the components of senior preschoolers’ readiness for social orientation - a personal one, including value orientations; motivational orientation; emotional well-being; integrative qualities of the individual. This component was found to be at a low level that testifies that it is necessary to develop senior preschoolers’ readiness for social orientation in the organizations of additional education.

About the authors

Elena Vasilievna Barcaeva

Mordovian State Pedagogical Institute named after M.E. Evseviev

Author for correspondence.

senior lecturer of Special Pedagogy and Medical Basics of Defectology Department

Russian Federation, Saransk


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Figure 1 - The level of formation of the personal component of readiness for social and everyday orientation of older preschoolers

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