Transformations of historical events and facts assessments in the context of socio-cultural influence of modernity

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The paper shows the transformation of attitudes towards historical events, facts and personalities due to the influence of the thinking paradigms of the modern socio-cultural environment. Objectivity of historical science is a moving thing, because history itself is an organic part of culture, reflecting in its interpretations its mentality and value orientations important for society at a certain period of time. The historical process is a lively cultural stream, filled with unique signs and symbols, ways of demonstration in culture. Modernity determines the attitude of society to the historical process, the importance of personalities and their popularity. Here the historical assessment becomes a reflection of modern realities. We cannot fully feel the influence of the historical character, we can just imagine. We try on the images of the past, fantasize a bit, we give emotions and feelings, «including» the subjectivity of perception of historical events in modern times. The society draws historical parallels, evaluates the «past» from the standpoint of the paradigm of thinking that it understands, which leads to the transformation of historical assessments in different historical periods. All of the above, of course, is characteristic of the transformational process of national history, as shown in a number of examples. They reflect the interpretation characteristic of modern society rather than the position of the author. Particular attention is paid to the assessment of the Great Patriotic War, which is necessary to remember to strengthen the unity of the society and to broadcast patriotic values.

About the authors

Anastasiya Georgievna Ippolitova

Samara Law Institute of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia

Author for correspondence.

candidate of culturology, associate professor, professor of Philosophy and Humanities Department

Russian Federation, Samara


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