The position of women in the Far East villages in the period of «late» socialism

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The paper analyzes the transformation of the female rural population position of the Far East in the USSR in 1970 - the first half of 1980 under the influence of a set of factors. The peculiarities of the geographical location of the region, its level of development, acceleration of life processes in rural areas, rapid dissemination of information and other factors had a significant impact on rural women. This influence was controversial and ambiguous. On the one hand, the role of a woman in the family changed, her activity as an employee increased, her well-being, cultural and educational level increased. On the other hand, becoming more independent, the woman aspired to better working and living conditions, career growth, free time increase, but in rural areas it was difficult. Despite the special attention of the state to the Far East and the activities aimed at the development of rural areas, life in the villages did not meet the «urban» views of local residents. The result of this transformation was a focus on childlessness for a large part of young people and moving to urban areas. Against the background of the village it was perceived as an incomparably better place of residence.

About the authors

Andrey Aleksandrovich Grinko

Far Eastern State Agrarian University

Author for correspondence.

candidate of historical sciences, associate professor of Humanities Department

Russian Federation, Blagoveshchensk


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