Samara landowner and liberal Georgy Nikolaevich Kostromitinov

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Based on the analysis of archival documents, periodicals, memoirs the paper reconstructs the biography of an outstanding political figure - a member of the constitutional democratic party, one of the organizers of the provincial branch of the cadet party in the Samara province, deputy of the 1st State Duma G.N. Kostromitinov. The authors have defined stages of his life and work as well as the main directions of his economic activity. The authors also emphasize the importance of G.N. Kostromitinov’s participation in the work of Zemstvo institutions. It contributed to the development of his political views and had a significant impact on development of the Samara nobleman as a prominent regional public figure. During the revolutionary events of 1905, he became one of the leaders of the Samara cadets, which led to the election of G.N. Kostromitinov to the 1st State Duma. The authors have recreated the process of the constitutional democratic party branch establishment in the Samara province, G.N. Kostromitinov’s place and role in the leadership and activities of the Samara branch of the party of the cadets. The authors have also established his relationships with the provincial leaders A.A. Chemodurov and A.N. Naumov. The paper presents biographical data about G.N. Kostromitinov’s son - M.G. Kostromitinov before and after the Great Russian revolution and Civil war, it also considers his tragic death during Stalin’s repressions. The results can serve as a basis for further reconstruction of the socio-political portrait of the Russian nobility.

About the authors

Ekaterina Petrovna Barinova

Samara State University of Economics


doctor of historical sciences, professor of Institutional Economy and Economic History Department

Russian Federation, Samara

Pyotr Serafimovich Kabytov

Samara National Research University


doctor of historical sciences, professor, head of Russian History Department

Russian Federation, Samara

Nadezhda Nikolaevna Kabytova

Samara National Research University

Author for correspondence.

doctor of historical sciences, professor of Russian History Department

Russian Federation, Samara


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Figure 1 - Kostromitinov Georgy Nikolaevich

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3. Figure 2 - Mikhail Georgievich Kostromitinov

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Copyright (c) 2019 Barinova E.P., Kabytov P.S., Kabytova N.N.

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