The role of the Seitov Posad Tatars in the development of the Orenburg Region

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The paper analyzes the role of the Seitov Posad Tatars in the development of the Orenburg Region from the moment of its foundation until the beginning of the 19th century. The reasons for the establishment of the Seitov Posad (Tatar Kargaly) near Orenburg even before the official establishment of the Orenburg province are shown. The author reviewed the resettlement process that attracted Tatars from Kazan province to the Orenburg Region. The census data are presented, indicating a consistent increase in the number of Tatars among the population of the Orenburg province. The paper shows some peculiarities of the mentality traditionally inherent to Tatar merchants, contributing to the effective implementation of trade projects. The privileges granted by the state to the residents of the Seitov Posad are noted. An explanation of the reasons that led to the endowment of the Tatar residents of the Orenburg province with a number of benefits is given. Cases of the conscious relocation of merchants from Orenburg to Seitov Posad for the purpose of supporting their own commercial projects are shown. The author notes specific historical examples that indicate the existence within the framework of state policy of integration of suburbs into a single socio-cultural space of the Russian empire of a special Tatar factor, which was important both for stabilizing the economic position of the Russian empire in the south-eastern suburbs and for acculturation of the nomadic Kazakh population.

About the authors

Sergey Valentinovich Lyubichankovskiy

Orenburg State Pedagogical University

Author for correspondence.

doctor of historical sciences, professor, head of History of Russia Department

Russian Federation, Orenburg


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