Reasons for the number of insects decrease of the Samara Region (on the example of leaf beetle populations)

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The survival mechanisms of leaf beetles (as typical phytophagous insects, surrounded by a «corrosive environment»: unstable, rapidly changing climate, «decreasing» forage, direct action of predators, ecto- and endoparasites, parasitoids, pathogens helminthiasis and entomophtorous, other pathogenic organisms) were studied during 1974-2016 in the Samara Region. 25 background species of chrysomelid beetles (approximately 240 individuals) were used as «model» objects. In addition to the natural fluctuations of the insect population, 21 causes of sudden increase in the number of local populations of leaf beetles were revealed, as a result of the influence of negative environmental agents, including abiotic (8), biotic (12) and anthropic (1 reason). From 5% to 90% of the leaf beetles population die as a result of unfavorable wintering conditions, sharp fluctuations in temperature and humidity, wind and precipitation; 2 reasons (concerning the resources of the forage base), 2 reasons (caused by the imbalance of the age and sexual structure of the population and therefore low reproductive potential), 2 reasons (determined by the fierce competition of insects and larval cannibalism) and 6 reasons (associated with the influence of predators, parasites and pathogens) are able to «withdraw» from 2% to 96% of the livestock (eggs, larvae, pupae and adults) of the population. It is concluded that many agents affects the number of insects.

About the authors

Sergey Ivanovich Pavlov

Samara State University of Social Sciences and Education


candidate of biological sciences, associate professor of Biology, Ecology and Methods of Teaching Department

Russian Federation, Samara

Andrey Stepanovich Yaitsky

Samara State University of Social Sciences and Education


senior lecturer of Chair of Biology, Ecology and Methods of Teaching

Russian Federation, Samara

Farit Talgatovich Miniyarov

Astrakhan State University

Author for correspondence.

candidate of biological sciences, associate professor of Biotechnology, Zoology and Aquaculture Department, head of Experimental Zoology Laboratory

Russian Federation, Astrakhan


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Figure 1 - Box (designed by engineer A.V. Lavrin) for setting up experiments to study food spectra and reactions of leaf beetles (photo by S.I. Pavlov)

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3. Figure 2 - Adaptive behavior of leaf beetles. 1 - The female of the herb leaf beetle Chrysolina graminis suspends the embryos from the underside of the narrow leaves of high wormwood, thus protecting them from the direct flow of sunlight (photo by S.I. Pavlov); 2 - A shield of exuvia and excrement (resting on the tail filaments above the back), like an umbrella, protects the larva of the beetle beetle from hard solar radiation (photo by V.N. Makarenkov); 3 - Climbing to the very top of the shoot of the fodder plant, the beetle Lilioceris lilii sucks out the juice and at the same time inspects the surroundings (photo by V.N. Makarenkov); 4 - Being programmed to consume only fragments of the host plant, the rape leaf beetle Entomoscelis adonidis , even in the absence of green leaves, prefers not to part with the host plant for a long time (photo by V.N. Makarenkov); 5 - Usually, in populations of rainbow leaf beetles (Donaciinae), the number of males is equal to the number of females, but, in certain situations, a disproportion may occur, in which there are 2 or 3 times more males (photo by V.N. Makarenkov); 6 - During mass breeding, the number of leaf beetles in clusters, for example, the flea Phyllotreta atra , can increase 2 or more times (in the picture, for example, 1 cm2 of horseradish leaf surface is fed on average by 4.5 ops). At this time, insects have to compete fiercely with each other because of the food resource (photo by O.V. Pavlova)

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4. Figure 3 - Behavior of leaf beetles when adapting to changing environmental conditions. 1 - in the Labidostomis leaf beetle population, where there are about 7 females for every 10 males, fierce fights often occur between mating competitors (photo by S.I. Pavlov); 2 - usually ants attack available prey (leaf beetle larvae), but there is also aggression towards a rather large beetle Chrysomela populi (photo by V.N. Makarenkov); 3 - larva of the 3rd instar of the leaf beetle Chrysolina violacea , attacked by a tick (in the picture - in the region of tergite 7), grouped and hid. Large insects do not have a defense mechanism against small predators and ectoparasites (photo by OV Pavlova); 4 - ticks attack even beetles (in this case, the female poplar leaf beetle - the ectoparasite sits on the outer edge of the right elite, near the joint of the thigh and lower leg of the hind leg), then clinging to the abdomen in the area of ​​the suture between adjacent sternites, they parasitize on one host - the host sometimes all his life (photo by V.N. Makarenkov); 5 - the dead yellowish latent head Cryptocephalus flavicollis was struck by entomophtorosis (photo by SI Pavlov); 6 - Pyrrhalta viburni goat larva and its "escort" - cereal flies of the genus Thaumatomyia from the Chloropidae family - lick the juice flowing from the damaged viburnum leaf ( photo by V.N. Makarenkov)

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Copyright (c) 2019 Pavlov S.I., Yaitsky A.S., Miniyarov F.T.

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