Ecological and coenotical structure of the Regional Natural Monument «Chelyabinsk city pine forest» vegetation

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The following paper deals with the ecological and coenotical structure of the Regional Natural Monument «Chelyabinsk city pine forest» vegetation. The estimation was done by a cluster analysis with Sorensen-Chekanovsky (Bray-Curtis) distance measure and a flexible beta group linkage method - by non-metric multidimensional scaling, phytoindication and general discriminant analysis algorithms. The flora and coenotical structure of Chelyabinsk city pine forest plant communities are characterized by significant anthropogenic transformation. Forest-margin and meadow, ruderal and synanthropic species are insinuating and naturalizing in pine forest communities actively and supplanting typical pine forest species off communities. The studied pine forest flora synanthropic index is 32 percent. 15 plant associations were detected; its flora, dominant and constant species, coenotical structure and biotopes were characterized by principal ecological factors. The biotopes series of ecological factors replacement were identified. Biotopes series are specified by forest stand ecological structure, that determining ecological regime changes from semi-light to semi-shade and from more arid to more damp. Also biotopes form series from wet more variable moistening bad-aerated not-acid and salt enriched soils to acid aerated poor soils with contrast arid moistening. The detected Chelyabinsk city pine forest biotopes are characterized by not so fluctuation of principal ecological factors.

About the authors

Nazar Nikolayevich Nazarenko

South Ural State Humanitarian Pedagogical University


doctor of biological sciences, professor of Chemistry, Ecology and Chemistry Methodology Department

Russian Federation, Chelyabinsk

Maria Dmitrievna Novgorodova

South Ural State Humanitarian Pedagogical University

Author for correspondence.

student of Natural Sciences and Technologies Faculty

Russian Federation, Chelyabinsk


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Figure 1 - Ordination of vegetation of the Chelyabinsk urban pine forest in the space of multidimensional scaling axes (NMS1, NMS2 and NMS3 are scaling axes, the numbering of communities corresponds to the numbering in the text)

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3. Figure 2 - Ordination of vegetation of the Chelyabinsk urban pine forest in the ecological-cenotic space: A - Mahalanobis distance (the square of the distance is shown), B - the first axes of discriminant analysis (Root1 and Root2); community numbering corresponds to the numbering in the text

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Copyright (c) 2019 Nazarenko N.N., Novgorodova M.D.

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