Foreign approaches to assessing the universal competencies of future and current teachers

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The article presents an analysis of foreign sources containing concepts of future and current teachers’ universal competencies and models for assessing these competencies, as well as comparative studies that can be used to enhance domestic theory and practice in shaping and evaluating these teaching resources. Two main conceptualizations of universal competencies in higher education (analytical and holistic) are identified, the specifics of evaluating universal competencies within these approaches are defined, their advantages and limitations in the process of training future teachers are demonstrated. Research on the assessment of universal competencies in teacher training primarily focuses on cognitive skills such as problem-solving, verbal, quantitative, and analytical reasoning, and critical thinking. Further research, as foreign experts believe, should focus on modeling academically acquired universal competencies and subject-specific competencies. Currently, the most relevant approach to building up and assessment of universal competencies for future and practicing teachers is considered to be an integration of analytical and holistic concepts. This approach involves the use of two sets at different stages of preparation: standard aspects of universal competencies and subject-specific situations. The formation and assessment of competencies are carried out within specified modes of activity and in predefined situations.

About the authors

Viktoria Arkadievna Prudnikova

Samara Branch of The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration


candidate of pedagogical sciences, director

Russian Federation, Samara

Lev Isaakovich Fishman

Samara Branch of The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration; Samara State University of Social Sciences and Education

Author for correspondence.

doctor of pedagogical sciences, doctor of economical sciences, professor, dean of Economics, Management and Service Faculty; Samara State University of Social Sciences and Education; chief researcher; Samara Branch of The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration

Russian Federation, Samara; Samara

Irina Samuilovna Fishman

Samara Branch of The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration


candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor, leading researcher

Russian Federation, Samara


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Supplementary files

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2. Figure 1 – Siegrid Bloemecke’s Competence Model

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