Center for historical education as a condition for the spiritual and moral development of the student’s personality

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The article discusses the creation and mechanisms of approbation of the center for historical education in the system of basic education at the site of an educational organization. The strategic objectives of the center are the formation of a resource space for the preservation of historical memory and the development of educational activities of students. The peculiarities of the center’s formation are highlighted: the organization of extracurricular activities and the development of additional general education programs, the preparation of educational events on a given topic, and the approbation of a system of cultural events. A distinctive feature of the center is its positioning as part of the ecosystem of an educational organization. A conceptual diagram of the structure of the center and its functional parts is presented. The presented model can be used as a theoretical and methodological basis for designing educational events, as well as for developing models of historical education centers. The materials make it possible to further evaluate the choice of ways of spiritual and moral development of students through the implementation of functional learning outcomes, as well as through productive and practice-oriented forms of learning. A separate area of the center can be considered the involvement of social partners and media in the ecosystem of the educational organization to expand educational tasks.

About the authors

Veronika Sergeevna Mushkarina

Academic Lyceum № 95 of Chelyabinsk



Russian Federation, Chelyabinsk

Irina Mikhailovna Vasilkova

Academic Lyceum № 95 of Chelyabinsk


candidate of pedagogical sciences, deputy director for scientific and methodological activities

Russian Federation, Chelyabinsk

Maria Viktorovna Panina

South Ural State Humanitarian Pedagogical University

Author for correspondence.

candidate of geographical sciences, associate professor of Geography and Geography Teaching Methods Department

Russian Federation, Chelyabinsk


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Copyright (c) 2024 Mushkarina V.S., Vasilkova I.M., Panina M.V.

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