The communist movement in Nghe-Tinh and political parties in the French Indochina (1930–1931)

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The article analyzes the experience of the French Colonial Empire of the 1930s in ensuring internal security in the Indochina region. The social, economic and climatic causes of political unrest (1930–1931) in the northern part of Annam, namely in the two provinces of Nghe An and Ha Tinh (Nghe-Tinh), are examined. The characteristics of the three ideological directions on which the political parties of Indochina are based are given. The development of the peasant movement and the creation of alternative administrations in villages to replace colonial ones are demonstrated. The new institution for a number of villages will be the Soviets, under the leadership of the Indochina Communist Party. The view is reflected of the colonial administration of Indochina on socio-economic problems. The adjustments in the French colonial army are presented in the form of sending additional contingents, as an example, the arrival of the 4th battalion of the Foreign Legion from Algeria to Indochina. The attention is paid to the key source under the title: «Contribution to the history of political movements in French Indochina». It testifies to a victorious turning point for the French administration in suppressing armed uprisings in Indochina. The document is a transcript and represents the testimony of Vietnamese who were members of the Indochina Communist Party. The despite the difficulties for France in maintaining internal security in the Indochina region by 1931, order in the colony was almost restored.

About the authors

Alexander Ivanovich Lyozin

Samara State University of Social Sciences and Education

Author for correspondence.

master student of World History, Law and Methods of Teaching Department

Russian Federation, Samara


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