Digital educational content compilation sources

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The development of digitalization of higher education leads to the emergence of new methods and means of learning. At present, information technologies are increasingly used, including distance learning, digital sources are used to create educational content, which opens new prospects for increasing motivation to study disciplines, activation of students’ activity in the learning process and, in general, for the professional success of university graduates. The article analyzes digital sources of spatial educational content compilation in mastering ecological and environmental educational disciplines and materials (by the example of bachelor’s training in the direction 21.03.02 Land management and cadastres). It is important for future specialists in the field of land management and cadastre to be able to use a variety of digital sources of data on the current state of land resources in their daily activities. The information sources in the form of spatial positioning public services, interactive topographic, geological and hydrological map, the map of dangerous exogenous geological processes manifestation, the map of territory functional zoning, the website of the Russian Federation hydrometeorological service management are shown and verified. It is important to use up-to-date geo-ecological and land-cadastral information when studying natural science disciplines, it is inadmissible to study outdated literary materials, inaccurate and unreliable data from electronic sources.

About the authors

Alexander A. Sidorov

Samara State University of Economics


doctor of biological sciences, professor of Land Management and Ecology Department

Russian Federation, Samara

Daria I. Vasilieva

Samara State Technical University

Author for correspondence.

candidate of biological sciences, associate professor of Building Mechanics Engineering Geology, Grounds and Foundations Department

Russian Federation, Samara


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Figure 1 – Park of Culture and Leisure named after. Yu.A. Gagarin and its surroundings

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3. Figure 2 – Interactive topographic map “Park of Culture and Leisure named after. Yu.A. Gagarin" [7]

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4. Figure 3 – Fragment of the state geological map of the study area [7]

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5. Figure 4 – Fragment of the hydrological zoning map of the study area [8]

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6. Figure 5 – Fragment of the map of the manifestation of dangerous exogenous geological processes in the study area [10]

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7. Figure 6 – Fragment of the map of the manifestation of dangerous exogenous geological processes on the territory of the city. Samara [11]

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8. Figure 7 – Map of functional zones of the city. Samara (fragment within the boundaries of the Yu.A. Gagarin Park of Culture and Leisure) [12]

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Copyright (c) 2023 Sidorov A.A., Vasilieva D.I.

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