Visual presentation of the ethnic image of the Chuvash in cyberspace (using the example of social networks «VKontakte» and «Odnoklassniki»)

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The article examines representational practices and mechanisms for the formation of visual images of Chuvash ethnicity in cyberspace. The purpose of this study is to determine the forms and methods of representing ethnicity, mechanisms and means of forming a visual ethnic image of the Chuvash in virtual space using the example of the social networks Odnoklassniki and VKontakte. The research is based on the study of visual content (posts, comments on them, discussions) in groups and on personal pages, materials from a mass survey of users of these social networks. The result of the study was a detailed description of the features of the formation and transmission of visual images of Chuvash ethnicity: visual sources, methods of visualization, functions and demand for visual content. The study showed that the visualization of the ethnic image of the Chuvash in cyberspace occurs through the symbolization of plots of ethnic history, elements of material and spiritual culture, through the use in the process of forming an ethnic image of fairy-tale, mythological, literary and real characters and pages of history, popular forms of representation of folk traditions – costume, national cuisine, holidays and rituals. Visual content is represented by photo and video materials, films, computer graphics, and animation. Visualization of ethnic content contributes to the stereotyping of the features of an ethnic image, acts as a means of constructing an ethnic image, a way of expressing belonging to an ethnic community, transmitting knowledge about the history of the traditional culture of the people, intra-ethnic communication, exchanging information between network users and their integration into the virtual space.

About the authors

Ekaterina A. Iagafova

Samara State University of Social Sciences and Education

Author for correspondence.

doctor of historical sciences, professor, head of Philosophy, History and Theory of World Culture and Arts Department

Russian Federation, Samara


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