Some results of the introduction study of Leonurus cardiaca plants in the middle taiga subzone of the Komi Republic

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The article summarizes the results of many years of studying Leonurus cardiaca L. under cultural conditions in the North. It was revealed that in the first year of life, with the seedling method of cultivation, motherwort plants are in the pregenerative period. The transition of individuals into the generative period is noted in the second year of life. The winter hardiness and stability of plants in agrocoenosis is quite high. Under cultural conditions, specimens of L. cardiaca plants of different geographical origins retained the rhythms of seasonal development characteristic of this species. It was revealed that plants of L. cardiaca are characterized by extended periods of flowering (38–44 days) and fruiting (35–40 days). The growing season from the beginning of regrowth to seed collection was 127–132 days. In the years studied, different samples of L. cardiaca formed mature seeds weighing 1000 pcs. seeds 0,86–1,03 g and laboratory germination of 55–91%, which meets the requirements for the quality of seed material of this type. L. cardiaca plants reached their maximum development in the third to fifth years of life, being in a middle-aged generative ontogenetic state: plant height 98–166 cm, shoot-forming capacity – 18–22 pcs. per individual, inflorescence length 26–36 cm, raw material of the main shoot 7,2–8,6 g of wet and 2,1–2,9 g of air-dried phytomass. For the first time the mass fraction of nitrogen (2,4–2,9%) and the amino acid composition of proteins were determined in the above-ground raw phytomass of L. cardiaca. 17 amino acids were quantified, including seven essential ones (39,4% of the total). The highest content in plants was observed for amino acids: glutamic (12,5%), aspartic (11,6%), leucine (9,9%), lysine (8,3%), alanine (6,6%), valine (6,6%) and arginine (5,8%).

About the authors

Nadezhda Vasilyevna Portnyagina

Institute of Biology of Komi Scientific Centre of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences


candidate of agricultural sciences, associate professor, senior researcher of Botanical Garden

Russian Federation, Syktyvkar

Elmira Elizbarovna Echishvili

Institute of Biology of Komi Scientific Centre of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Author for correspondence.

candidate of biological sciences, researcher of Botanical Garden

Russian Federation, Syktyvkar


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