The influence of an alternating magnetic field with a different signal shape on the morphometry and ontogenesis of Zea mays L.

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The paper considers the issues of factorial ecology concerning the mechanisms of influence of physical factors, in particular, an alternating magnetic field with different characteristics, on plant objects. The obtained biological effects on Zea mays L. seeds depend to a greater extent on the shape of the applied signal. It is assumed that physiological responses are associated with a change in pH, the release of proteins, and also with the barrier function of plant seed membranes. The obtained schemes for processing sugar corn with an alternating magnetic field, taking into account ontogenesis and morphometry, are further recommended to be used in the field as a method of presowing treatment of agricultural crops: B = 1 mT, f = 20 Hz, t = 60 min, sinusoid signal type; B = 1 mT, f = 50 Hz, t = 60 min, sinusoid signal type; B = 1 mT, f = 30 Hz, t = 60 min, meander signal type; B = 1 mT, f = 50 Hz, t = 60 min, meander signal type; B = 1 mT, f = 20 Hz, t = 60 min, meander signal type.

About the authors

Vladimir O. Kornienko

Donetsk State University

Author for correspondence.

candidate of biological sciences, head of Research Department, associate professor of Biophysics Department

Russian Federation, Donetsk

Andrey S. Yaitsky

Samara State University of Social Sciences and Education


senior lecturer of Biology, Ecology and Methods of Teaching Department

Russian Federation, Samara

Kseniya A. Avdeeva

Donetsk State University


junior researcher of Research Departmen

Russian Federation, Donetsk


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Figure 1 – Appearance of a device for processing sweet corn seeds with an alternating magnetic field. Designations: 1 – two coils; 2 – oscilloscope; 3 – special form signal generator G6 28; 4 – current source with high output resistance (ITUN), operating in switching mode

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3. Figure 2 – Signal shape used in an experimental setup for treating sweet corn seeds with an alternating magnetic field (photo from an oscilloscope). Notes: A – sinusoidal current flowing through the coil; B – the current through the coil in the device changes abruptly (the shape of the input signal is a square wave); B – linearly varying current through the coil (triangular waveform)

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4. Figure 3 – Block diagram of a voltage-controlled current source device. Designations: 1 – triangular voltage former; 2 – comparator input; 3 – input of the control signal generator (CSG); 4 – gates of powerful field-effect transistors of the output stage; 5 – power supply; 6 – output LC filter; 7 – sensor that generates an output signal proportional to the current flowing through the load ZН; 8 – regulating amplifier

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5. Figure 4 – Ontogenetic changes in sweet corn seedlings on the 8th day of the experiment, depending on the treatment scheme (see Table 1)

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6. Figure 5 - Changes in the length (%) of the aerial part (seedlings) and root system (main root) of sweet corn compared to the control group on the 8th day of the experiment, depending on the treatment scheme (see Table 1)

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Copyright (c) 2023 Kornienko V.O., Yaitsky A.S., Avdeeva K.A.

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