The nature of vegetation cover and small mammal community structure (on the example of Nizhny Novgorod)

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The spatial distribution of Apodemus species (yellow-necked, field, and small forest mice) was studied on the example of the protected area «Oak forest of National Research Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod Botanical Garden». Twelve plant associations with non-moral character and representing derivatives of the indigenous type of vegetation were studied. Environmental conditions assessed by the Ellenberg phytoindication method affect the distribution of small mammals in space indirectly. The nature of vegetation cover is more significant. When projective cover increases, the abundance of both small woodland and field mice increases. The strategy of Apodemus agrarius appears to be similar to that of Apodemus uralensis, a species that shows stenobiontic traits in the studied PA. At the same time, insignificant anthropogenic load, a marker of which is the presence of Urtica dioica ruderal species, leads to an increase in the mosaic of vegetation cover, which has a positive effect on the abundance of these small mammal species. A moderate increase in the Berger-Parker dominance index for vegetation cover is positively associated with the confinement of micromammals. In addition, in the conditions of the recreational zone of the upland part of N. Novgorod, Apodemus agrarius prefers areas of old-growth broadleaved forest, not showing the features of anthropophily.

About the authors

Elena E. Boryakova

National Research Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod

Author for correspondence.

candidate of biological sciences, associate professor of Botany and Zoology Department

Russian Federation, Nizhny Novgorod


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Figure 1 – Distribution of microtine rodents by plant associations (SPNA “Dubrava Botanical Garden”)

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3. Рисунок 2 – Показатели среды, оцененные методом фитоиндикации по Элленбергу, для исследованных пробных площадей (по оси X приведены значения показателей с накоплением)

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4. Figure 3 – Clustering using the single link method of the studied sample areas according to environmental indicators (L, F, R, N)

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5. Figure 4 – Clustering of the studied sample areas by the abundance of micromammals using the single link method

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6. Figure 5 – Scatter diagram for species of the genus Apodemus depending on projective cover indicators

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7. Figure 6 – Scatter diagram for species of the genus Apodemus depending on anthropogenic load indicators

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8. Figure 7 – Scatter diagram for species of the genus Apodemus depending on the Menhinik species diversity index for vegetation cover

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9. Figure 8 – Scatter diagram for species of the genus Apodemus depending on the Berger-Parker dominance index for vegetation cover

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10. Figure 9 – Graphical representation of the results of Correspondence analysis of the nature of vegetation cover and the spatial occurrence of small mammals

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Copyright (c) 2023 Boryakova E.E.

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