Quest and case as elements of interactive technologies in modern biological education

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This paper considers interactive technologies of teaching Biology using quests and cases. The structure and components of the training quest are studied. The classification of quest types is given and the peculiarities of the method of linear, assault and ring quests are described on specific biological examples. The use of educational quests requires a lot of time, space and a bank of different non-standard tasks. Familiarizing students with a solution of real situations is possible with a case. The case study is a carefully selected theoretical material that should be as informative as possible, contain contradictory data, include different points of view, and consider topical problems of biology and ecology. Some types of cases are designed to teach students to analyze biological information, give it a certain assessment, expressing their attitude to it. Such work becomes creative and opens opportunities to exchange different points of view and find for truth. The authors note that the main purpose of these technologies is to actively develop the child’s cognitive sphere, as well as his or her motivational basis, personal qualities (communication skills, mobility, search for solutions, generate ideas and test them, etc.). The educational and educational potential of the quest is highlighted. The paper describes the experience of quests and case use in the educational process of Biology and Geography with the Methods of Teaching Department of Shadrinsk State Pedagogical University.

About the authors

Nadezhda Vladimirovna Sharypova

Shadrinsk State Pedagogical University


candidate of biological sciences, head of Biology and Geography with Methods of Teaching Department

Russian Federation, Shadrinsk, Kurgan Region

Natalia Vladimirovna Pavlova

Shadrinsk State Pedagogical University

Author for correspondence.

senior lecturer of Biology and Geography with Methods of Teaching Department

Russian Federation, Shadrinsk, Kurgan Region


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Copyright (c) 2018 Sharypova N.V., Pavlova N.V.

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