Art workshop as a form of student’s artistic and creative activity

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The paper describes an innovative form of organization of educational art-creative activity of students - «art workshop». The author refers to the justification of the concept «art workshop» in the context of current ideas of the theory and practice art education. The contradiction between the content of student creativity in the XXI century and common in the practice of traditional forms of introducing them to the art may be withdrawn by the structuring activities in accordance with the phases of the creative process. Article submissions are a contribution to solving a larger problem of early diagnosis of giftedness, since supposedly this quality of the individual manifests itself more and more noticeable in terms of artistic and creative process. A definition of art workshop is given, its features are highlighted: polyart nature of children’s activities, productive and aimed at understanding the meanings of reality through creative experience; engaging of elements of expression from the «arsenal» of modern composers, artists and poets. The implication is that the teacher is able to perceive the environment with immediate disciples, directing, but without limiting the collective creativity. This work makes it possible to orient teachers of music, fine arts teachers and teachers of additional education, as well as students of a pedagogical high school to making children be creative in accordance with their interests, abilities and their outlook.

About the authors

Larisa Yurievna Kalinina

Samara State University of Social Sciences and Education

Author for correspondence.

candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor of Musical Education Department

Russian Federation, Samara


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