Creating a new way of life for the youth in the 1920s

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This paper deals with the problem of creating a new way of life for young people in the 1920s, which was of great importance in the work of the Bolshevik Party for the communist education of the younger generation. Creating a new way of life of the youth had its own peculiarities and was aimed at overcoming the traditional forms of individualistic way of life, educating the communist worldview, developing collective forms of relationships among the younger generation, involving young people in the struggle against religious and other everyday remnants. The party sought to establish control and manage youth through Komsomol organizations. The work of the Komsomol reflected all the contradictions inherent in the transitional era of the 1920s. The paper contains main forms and methods of practical work that created a new life among young people aimed at changing everyday relationships between young men and girls; it describes mass work for the youth through clubs, sports and dance clubs, cinematography; mobilization of young people to combat domestic remnants; creating new cultural and everyday traditions and their distribution through the youth to society as a whole.

About the authors

Sergey Anatolyevich Shmelev

Samara National Research University

Author for correspondence.

researcher of Aviation and Cosmonautics Museum

Russian Federation, Samara


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