Organizational structure of the Swedish Red Cross mission to assist the starving Samara province during the famine of 1921-1923

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In the period from December 1921 to August 1923 in the Samara Region, the expedition of the Swedish Red Cross carried out humanitarian activities. The paper presents the personnel structure and the principles of the expedition management. The paper also presents the staff and the principles for the expedition management. The staff of the expedition are personified with their positions and responsibilities. The author specifies the reasons for the growing increase in the expedition staff The basic data presented in the paper is a result of a three-month research at the National Archives of Sweden (Riksarkivet). The paper presents the point of view of the Soviet authorities on the effectiveness of the work of the Swedish Cross. All the main administrative districts of the Samara province, where the Swedish Red Cross delegates worked, are specified. The materials, presented in the paper, expand our understanding of the activities of foreign humanitarian missions in the Volga Region in 1921-1923 and can be used to analyze the effectiveness of the expedition of the Swedish Red Cross in the Samara province in this period.

About the authors

Grigory Gennadievich Tsidenkov

Samara State University of Social Sciences and Education

Author for correspondence.

candidate of sociological sciences, associate professor of Management and Service Department

Russian Federation, Samara


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