Pokrovsky and srubna culture traditions of the late Bronze Age in the Samara Volga (ideological positions)

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In archeology, there are several approaches to assessing the monuments of the Pokrovsky and the logs of the final stage of the middle - the beginning of the Late Bronze Age, in the Middle Volga Region. The paper presents the results of these studies in archaeology on this topic: Pokrovsky and srubna culture funerary traditions of the late Bronze Age of the Samara Region (world-view positions). As the title suggests the paper is devoted to the problem of differences and ideological justification of funerary traditions of the pokrovsky and srubna culture of the Samara Region. The main objective of the paper is to provide theoretical understanding of the concept of chronology and description of the funerary traditions of cultures. The work consists of an introductory part (historiography), the main part (description of the burial of the Pokrovskaya and srubna culture) and conclusions (ideological substantiation of their funeral traditions). It also presents prospects for further research in this area. At the end of the paper the author analyzes burials of both cultures and the ideological justification of the funerary traditions. The paper has practical significance.

About the authors

Roman Vladimirovich Zhukov

Samara State University of Social Sciences and Education

Author for correspondence.
Email: romaguk1992@gmail.com

master student of Domestic History and Archeology Department

Russian Federation, Samara


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Figure 1 - Intercession burials of the Samara Volga region

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3. Figure 2 - Log burials of the Samara Volga region

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Copyright (c) 2018 Zhukov R.V.

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