Juglans L. genus trees influence on cellulolytic soil activity in Samara University Botanical Garden Dendrarium

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Woody plants change qualitatively and quantitatively the substances dynamics into the soil environment, acting on intercepting and saturating them with discharge from the leaves and material precipitated from the air. The arrival of the ground (leaf litter) and underground (root-slope) mort mass influences the chemical processes in the soil and its morphological structure changing. By forming and releasing litter, the trees indirectly activate the soil microflora. The nut plants, forming seeds rich in proteins and lipids, have been used by humans since ancient times as food, medicinal plants, a source of biologically active substances. The nuts ( Juglans ) introduction history in Samara University Botanical Garden begins from the moment of the garden creation. Our work presents the results of the evaluation of the cellulolytic activity of the soil under the walnut trees in Samara University Botanical Garden Dendrarium. The soil sampling were carried out in September 2011 in the sub-crown space for the trees of J. regia and J. nirga (for each species - old, middle age, young specimens), other Juglans species ( J. ailanthifolia, J. mandshurica, J. cinerea, J. сordiformis, J. microcarpa ) were also tested. The determination of cellulolytic activity was carried out by the application method in Petri dishes. Visual examination of exposed paper samples showed its sufficient safety in the control and strong destruction under the influence of the soil in variants J. regia (old tree), J. nirga (all variants), J. regia . A comparison of the results obtained with the data of 2009 showed that the cellulolytic activity of the soil varies from year to year, under the influence of weather conditions.

About the authors

Efim Alexandrovich Pomogaybin

Samara National Research University

Email: rainstoker@rambler.ru

postgraduate student of Ecology, Botany and Nature Conservation Department


Alexander Vladimirovich Pomogaybin

Samara National Research University

Author for correspondence.
Email: rainstoker@rambler.ru

candidate of biological sciences, deputy director of the Botany Garden

Russian Federation, Samara


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Figure 1 - Cellulose-breaking activity of soil samples from under walnut trees of different ages

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3. Figure 2 - Cellulose-breaking activity of soil samples from under black walnut trees of different ages

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4. Figure 3 - Cellulose-breaking activity of soil samples from under trees of various types of nuts

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5. Figure 4 - The results of assessing the cellulose-degrading activity of soil samples (2009)

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Copyright (c) 2018 Pomogaybin E.A., Pomogaybin A.V.

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