Soil Algae and mosses role in biocenoses formation in the tailings of Mikhailovsky Mining and Beneficiation Plant of Kursk Magnetic Anomaly

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The paper presents the results of studies investigating the role of representatives of Algae and Bryophyta divisions in the composition of biocenoses dumps loess-like loam and clay of the Callovian of different ages (5-, 15-, 25 years) of Mikhailovsky Mining and Beneficiation Plant of Kursk Magnetic Anomaly. The author considers the role of soil Algae and mosses as indicators of biocenosis changes in connection with the peculiarities of the lithological framework and age of the dumps. It is proved that successione changes in communities of soil Algae and mosses coincide with succesional changes in the phytocenoses of the dumps in General. Studies have shown that the primary satelitales dumps are the representatives of the department of blue-green Algae Cyanophyta. They form a mono community in 5 year dumps clay of the Callovian and dominate in 5 year dumps. Further formation of the algae Alps in all types of studied rocks is of zonal type. The first of the mossy plants of the Bryophyta dumps division inhabits Ceratodon purpureus (Hedw.). It is the dominant species and persists on all breeds up to the age of 25 as the least demanding of the substrate. Further, the formation of the community of mosses is on a zonal type and lesavignon loam, on average, 15 years faster. It is found that algal communities and bryophytes cenoses form at different speeds on the soil stockpiles. It has been calculated that the stabilization of Algae cenoses will require about 19 years for the Quaternary loess and 32 years on the clay of the Callovian. Stabilization of the community of moss will require about 35 years for the loess and about 70 years on the clay of the Callovian.

About the authors

Olga Vyacheslavovna Nagornaya

Kursk State Agricultural I.I. Ivanov Academy


candidate of biological sciences, associate professor of Ecology, Horticulture and Plant Protection Department

Russian Federation, Kursk

Antonina Valentinovna Golovastikova

Kursk Institute of Cooperation (branch) of Belgorod University of Cooperation, Economics and Law

Author for correspondence.

candidate of agricultural sciences, associate professor of Merchandising Disciplines Department

Russian Federation, Kursk


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Figure 1 - The coenotic composition of algal communities in the dumps of the Mikhailovsky GOK KMA

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