Characteristics of the hairline of Japanese, German and Pomeranian Spitz

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This study examines the structure of the fur of three breeds of Spitz dogs: Japanese, Pomeranian, and German. The purpose of the study is to characterize the fur of these dogs in a comparative aspect. For a long period, differences between the standards of these breeds were not approved, and to this day, many experts perceive Spitz varieties as a single breed. The results of this research can be used in practice by specialists in the field of cynology, grooming, and exhibition activities to evaluate the fur coat of representatives of the Pomeranian, German and Japanese Spitz breeds. After collecting samples and processing them, the highest indicators of curliness and comfort factor were observed in Japanese Spitz dogs. This breed had the highest comfort factor (92,4%), with longer guard hairs and undercoat compared to the other studied breeds (guard hairs – 6,22 cm, undercoat – 4,16 cm). German Spitz dogs had the thickest fibers (diameter – 22,7 microns), and the highest number of hairs (4554 hairs). The thinnest fibers were observed in Pomeranian Spitz dogs (diameter – 19 microns). It is worth noting that female Japanese Spitz dogs had more hair than males, while male German Spitz dogs had more hair than females. Also, the mean fiber diameter in male Japanese and Pomeranian Spitz dogs was higher than in females. In terms of average curliness, the hair of female Japanese Spitz dogs was more curly than in males, whereas male Pomeranian Spitz dogs had more curly hair than females.

About the authors

Anastasia R. Nikonorova

Russian Timiryazev State Agrarian University


student of Institute of Zootechnics and Biology; Russian Timiryazev State Agrarian University (Moscow

Russian Federation, Moscow

Ivan G. Blokhin

Russian Timiryazev State Agrarian University

Author for correspondence.

assistant of Zoology Department

Russian Federation, Moscow

Gennady I. Blokhin

Russian Timiryazev State Agrarian University


doctor of agricultural sciences, professor of Zoology Department

Russian Federation, Moscow


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Copyright (c) 2023 Nikonorova A.R., Blokhin I.G., Blokhin G.I.

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