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The article touches upon some problems of cognitive linguistics and concept study, namely, the concept “Human intellect” and its realization in English culture and language. On the basis of lexicographic resources the authors present the keywords of the concept, idioms, make an attempt to model the conceptual field “Human intellect”.

About the authors

Galina Vladimirovna Stoikovich

Samara State Academy of Social Sciences and Humanities

Author for correspondence.

candidate of philology, professor of the department of «English Philology and Intercultural Communication»

443090, Samara, Russia , Blukhera st., 25

Liliya Yurievna Stoikovich

Samara State Economic University


candidate of philology, associate professor of the department of «Foreign Languages»

443090, Samara, Russia, Sovetskoy Armii st., 141


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Copyright (c) 2013 Stoikovich G.V., Stoikovich L.Y.

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