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During the course students need to remember a certain amount of important physical formulas , laws and data. It is important to encourage students to use mnemonic rules to facilitate the process of memorizing . As a result, hard-to-remember information gets a more convenient form to memorize even large amounts of information that seem impossible to remember in common ways.

About the authors

Olga Yurjevna Kulagina

Secondary school № 8, Alexeevka township, Kinel district, Samara region

Author for correspondence.

physics top-rank teacher

446441, Russia, Samara region, Kinel district, Alexeevka township, Kuibyshev st., 23


  1. Интеллектуальное развитие в процессе обучения физике / под ред. Бетева В.А., Самойлова Е.А. Самара: ПГСГА, 2010. 245 с.
  2. Челпанов Г.И. О памяти и мнемонике. С.-Петербург: «Скороходова И.Н.», 1983. 87 с.
  3. Козаренко В.А. Учебник мнемотехники. Режим доступа: Дата обращения: 15.11.2013.

Copyright (c) 2013 Kulagina O.Y.

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