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In the article the concept and essence of «direkt-kosting» system as elements of management accounting are considered. Advantages and disadvantages of this method of calculation and formation of the financial result are described.

About the authors

Olga Aleksandrovna Bulavko

Samara Academy of Public and Municipal Administration

Author for correspondence.
Email: kat6565@yandex.ru

candidate of economic sciences, associate professor, head of the Department of «Economics and urban management», Faculty of Economics

443084, Russia, Samara, Stara Zagora st., 96

Ekaterina Igorevna Krepchuk

Samara Academy of Public and Municipal Administration

Email: kat6565@yandex.ru

candidate for master’s degree, faculty of economics

443084, Russia, Samara, Stara Zagora st., 96


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Copyright (c) 2013 Bulavko O.A., Krepchuk E.I.

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