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The article outlines a topical field of research at the intersection of social, developmental and pedagogical psychology and analyses the tasks and methods of this applied research area. The principal object of investigation is learners’ group consciousness. The authors describe facts, patterns of formation of learners’ attitudes to studies and profession. Potentialities of psychological management in the system of education are assessed.

About the authors

Garnik Vladimirovich Akopov

Samara State Academy of Social Sciences and Humanities

Author for correspondence.

doctor of psychology, professor of the department of «General and social psychology»

443099, Russia, Samara, M.Gorky st. 65/67

Tatyana Petrovna Varfolomeeva

Samara State Academy of Social Sciences and Humanities


candidate of psychology, assistant professor of the department of «General and social psychology»

443099, Russia, Samara, M.Gorky st. 65/67

Evgenia Leonidovna Chernyshova

Samara State Academy of Social Sciences and Humanities


candidate of psychology, assistant professor of the department of «General and social psychology»

443099, Russia, Samara, M.Gorky st. 65/67


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Copyright (c) 2013 Akopov G.V., Varfolomeeva T.P., Chernyshova E.L.

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