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Site Rakushechny Yar was excavated in the 1960-1970s. It is one of the key neolithic sites of the southern part of Eastern Europe. Some results of new researches of this site conducted during 2008-2013 are represented in this article. A range of cultural layers was distinguished here which is similar to those described by T.D.Belanovskaya - the first researcher of this site. Several object dated to Middle age - early Neolithic were found here. The chronology of the site is discussed including new dates obtained on different materials.

About the authors

Andreyi Vitalievich Tsybriy

The Don archaeological society

Author for correspondence.

candidate of historical sciences, senior scientific researcher

Russia, Rostov-on-Don, Stanislavsky street, 130

Ekaterina Vladimirovna Dolbunova

The State Hermitage Museum


junior scientific researcher, The Department of archaeology of Eastern Europe and Siberia

Russia, St. Petersburg, nab. Palace, 34

Andreyi Nikolaevich Mazurkevich

The State Hermitage Museum, Russia


senior scientific researcher, General curator of The Department of archaeology of Eastern Europe and Siberia

Russia, St. Petersburg, nab. Palace, 34

Viktor Vitalievich Tsybriy

The Don archaeological society


candidate of historical sciences, senior scientific researcher

Russia, Rostov-on-Don, Stanislavsky street, 130

Alexander Feliksovich Gorelik

Deutsches Bergbau-Museum


Candidate of Historical Sciences, associate professor, Independent Researcher

44801 Bochum, Germany, Hustadtring, 151

G Motuzaitė Matuzevičiūtė

Vilnius University


Postdoctoral Researcher

LT-01513 Vilnus Universiteto g.3

Mihail Valerievich Sablin

Zoological institute of Russian Academy of Science


candidate of biological sciences, senior scientific researcher

Russia, Petersburg University Embankment, 1


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Copyright (c) 2014 Tsybriy A.V., Dolbunova E.V., Mazurkevich A.N., Tsybriy V.V., Gorelik A.F., Matuzevičiūtė G.M., Sablin M.V.

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