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This article is dedicated to the work of the British historian Steven Ellis. The author analyzes the role of Anglo-Scottish border in England’s political life at the period of the Tudors’ monarchy. From the researcher’s point of view the borderlands fell victim to the politics of centralization and civilizing aspirations of the Tudors. The acculturation of borderlands, their “civilizing” resulted in the political regress.

About the authors

Aleksandr Anatolyevich Beltser

Samara Institute – Higher school of Privatization and Business

Author for correspondence.

Candidate of Historical Sciences, associate professor

Russia, 443090, Samara, Antonov-Ovseyenko Str., 53


  1. Ellis S.G. Tudor policy and the Kildare ascendancy in the lordship of Ireland, 1496-1534// Irish historical studies. 1976. V. 20. № 79. P. 235-271.
  2. Ellis S.G. Reform and Revival: English Government in Ireland, 1470-1534. Woodbridge, Boydell press., 1986. 236 p.
  3. Ellis S.G. Crown, community and government in the English territories, 1450-1575// History. 1986. V. 71. P. 187-204;
  4. Ellis S.G. The Pale and Far North: government and society in the early Tudor borderlands. Galway, Officina Typographica, 1988. 33 p.
  5. Ellis S.G. Region and Frontier in the English State: the English Far North, 1296-1603// Frontiers, regions and identities in Europe/ Ed. by S. Ellis, R. Eber, J-F. Berdah and M. Reznik. Pisa, Pisa university press, 2009. P. 77-99.
  6. Ellis S.G. Civilizing Northumberland: representations of Englishness in the Tudor State// Twenty Years of the Journal of Historical Sociology: Essays on the British State. V. 1. Oxford, Blackwell press, 2008. P. 193-217.
  7. Ellis S.G. Civilizing the Natives: State Formation and the Tudor Monarchy, c. 1400-1603// Imaging frontiers, contesting identities/ Ed. by S. Ellis and L. Klusakova. Pisa, Pisa university press, 2007. P. 77-92.
  8. Ellis S.G. Promoting “English Civility” in Tudor Times// Tolerance and Intolerance in historical perspective/ Ed. by C. Levai and V. Vese. Pisa, Pisa university press, 2003. P. 155-167
  9. Ellis S.G. A Border baron and the Tudor State: The rise and fall of lord Dacre of the North// Historical journal. 1992. V. 35. № 2. P. 253-277.
  10. Ellis S. G. Tudor Frontiers and Noble Power: The Making of British State. Oxford, Clarendon press, 1995. 303 p.
  11. Ellis S. G. Centre and periphery in the Tudor state// A Companion to Tudor Britain/ Ed. by R. Tittler and N. Jones. Oxford, 2004. Blackwell press, P. 133-150.

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