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Nowadays one of the most important methods of teaching literature is a culturological approach. Today teaching literature faces some difficulties because of social processes in the society. The article aims at identifying ways of appealing to regional studies and therefore making teaching literature more effective. The research of literary texts perception by 5-11 th year Orenburg students was held. It was based on literature and regional studies tests results of the students. So a method of step-by-step combining regional studies and literature was developed. Herein such criteria were considered as students’ age, grade, type of school and teachers’ qualification in regional studies. The article highlights objectives and ways of introducing regional studies in the educational process according to the student-reader evolution theory by V.G. Marantsman. The author displays types of classes that is of practical importance for a philology teacher.

About the authors

Alla Georgiyevna Prokofyeva

Orenburg State Pedagogical University

Author for correspondence.

Doctor of Pedagogics, professor of Department of Literature and Literature Teaching Methodology

460014, Russia, Orenburg, Sovetskaya Str., 19


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