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Currently, the most popular are the express methods of quality control of the environment, which permit a relatively rapid assessment of ecological and geochemical situation. one such method is based on the use snow cover. snow has a high sorption capacity and is informative in identifying the object of man-made pollution of the urban environment. the paper presents the results of a study of the chemical composition of snow that had fallen in Voronezh during winter 2015. snow samples were taken in the period prior to snowmelt in various functional areas of the city. in order to identify the degree of technogenic impact on the various parts of the city of Voronezh, was made a comparative analysis of the results:аccording to the actual presence of pollutants in precipitation for the study of functional areas;сalculate the rate on the concentration of chemical elements for test samples of snow.according to the degree of mineralization and dust content in snow can be seen «technogenic pressure» on environment.therefore, a comparative analysis of the degree of contamination of snow in the various functional areas of the city were carried out for the two indicators of the chemical composition - the total mineralization and suspended particles(dust).the results of the analysis of the chemical composition of the melt water indicate an increased level of technogenic pollution of snow cover in all investigated functional areas of Voronezh.

About the authors

Tatiana Ivanovna Prozhorina

Voronezh state University

Author for correspondence.

Сandidate of chemical sciences, associate professor of the department of geoecology and environmental monitoring of the geography, geoecology and tourism faculty

Voronezh state University, Faculty of geography, geoecology and tourism, russia, 394068, Voronezh, 40 Holzunova, Building 5

Semyon Aleksandrovitch Kurolap

Voronezh state University


doctor of geography, Professor, Head of the chair of geoecology and monitoring of environment of the geography, geoecology and tourism faculty

Voronezh state University, Faculty of geography, geoecology and tourism, russia, 394068, Voronezh, 40 Holzunova, Building 5

Nadezhda Ivanovna Yakunina

Voronezh state University


bachelor of ecology and natural management of the geography, geoecology and tourism faculty

Voronezh state University, Faculty of geography, geoecology and tourism, russia, 394068, Voronezh, 40 Holzunova, Building 5


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Copyright (c) 2015 Prozhorina T.I., Kurolap S.A., Yakunina N.I.

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