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The article presents a brief synthesis of the results deal with the study of ceramics Maikop-novosvobodnaya community using the method of a. a. Bobrinsky and use of the microscope with 12 times magnification. it sets out ideas about raw materials, methods of construction, surface treatment. especially emphasized the problem of the use by the ancient potters of rotary devices. For the first time about such vessels were noted in the work of a. a. Bobrinsky and r. M. Munchaev in 1966, for example, vessels with a flat bottom. at present a series of examples of traces deal with use of rotary devices has expanded. in the article by a. s. Kizilov shows the simulation of the vessel of the Maikop culture and fixation of the traces of its turn without a fixed axis of rotation and with a non-fixed environment of rotation. as a result, the actual doing of those and other traces that prove the use of Maikop potters rotary devices with a fixed axis of rotation in the manufacture of vessels not only flat, but round bottom too.

About the authors

Sergey Nikolaevich Korenevskiy

The Institute of archaeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Author for correspondence.
Email: skorenevskiy@yandex.ru

doctor of Historical sciences

the institute of archaeology of the russian academy of sciences. 117 036 Moscow, dmitry Ul’yanov str. 19

Andrey Sergeevich Kizilov

International Innovative University

Email: kiziloff2014@mail.ru

candidate of pedagogical Sciences

the institute of archaeology of the russian academy of sciences. 117 036 Moscow, dmitry Ul’yanov str. 19


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Copyright (c) 2015 Korenevskiy S.N., Kizilov A.S.

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