Innovative technology «Flipped Classroom» use in foreign language teaching at a technical university

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The following paper considers the application of innovative technology «flipped classroom» in foreign language teaching combining with the team learning at a technical university. The new approach to teaching is caused by the increasing role of self-education within the framework of cultural competence of modern specialist. So the modern educational technologies have to develop student’s learning skills. The advantages presented by the «flipped classroom» technology are the increasing time for the individual work with students, the opportunity to provide additional cultural knowledge through a careful selection of the learning content on the one hand, as well as developing of the student’s ability to self-organization and self-education on the other. The paper presents the main approaches to the definition of the «flipped classroom» technology, its advantages and disadvantages, possible technical difficulties and the positive effect that can be achieved while using the «flipped classroom» technology at a technical university.

About the authors

Mariya Valerievna Yurina

Samara State Technical University

Author for correspondence.

candidate of philological sciences, associate professor of Linguistics, Cross-Cultural Communication and Russian as a Foreign Language Department

Russian Federation, Samara

Yulia Victorovna Lopukhova

Samara State Technical University


doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor of Linguistics, Cross-Cultural Communication and Russian as a Foreign Language Department

Russian Federation, Samara


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Copyright (c) 2017 Yurina M.V., Lopukhova Y.V.

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