Permanent and temporary expositions of succulents in the Botanical Garden of Peter the Great as a way of biological and ecological education

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The paper describes one of the ways of organizing educational activities in the expositions of the Peter the Great Botanical Garden in St. Petersburg. The authors study the problem of actualization of environmental knowledge among the population and preservation of biodiversity through leisure. The paper analyzes educational work in Russian botanical gardens and some foreign gardens at the present time. The authors introduce the term «complex garden» as a garden of broad educational opportunities. The paper describes a collection of plants of one of the oldest and largest botanical gardens in Russia. The authors demonstrate a variety of topics for study, detail the content of exhibitions and describe the ways of active and passive activity of visitors on the example of expositions of succulent plants. The paper provides a diagram of ecological and biological knowledge improvement.

About the authors

Yuri Guryanovich Kalugin

V.L. Komarov Botanical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences

Author for correspondence.


Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

Larisa Petrovna Musinova

V.L. Komarov Botanical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences


methodist of Cultural and Educational Center

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Figure 1 - "Fields" for the formation of ecological and biological knowledge at the permanent and temporary expositions in the Botanical Garden of Peter the Great

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