The creation of adaptive system of continuous training and retraining of personnel for regional labor market

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In the article the experience of the Volga Region State College (Samara, Russia) on the creation of adaptive system of training and retraining of personnel for the regional economy is presented. The relevance of innovative work is dictated by the necessity to solve the personnel and qualification requests of industrial enterprises in the region. The content of the work is connected with the solution of tasks on adaptation of the system of college management oriented on the study of requests of the regional labour market and their satisfaction through the implementation of basic and additional training programmes. The activity described in the article aims at the development of the system of network cooperation between the educational organisation, regional methodological center and industrial enterprises. The text of the article describes the work on improvement of the quality of managerial and pedagogical personnel for the solution of the task, the development of additional programmes of training and retraining of current staff of educational institutions as well as of industrial enterprises. The described system is considered not as an alternative to the traditional, but as an addition that can optimize the learning process by providing different categories of citizens with educational services which best satisfy their needs. The authors of the article present the intermediate results of work on the creation of organizational-methodical provision of continuing professional education which are connected with: the improvement of professional competencies of pedagogical and administrative staff; the increase of scopes of the cooperative activities of the college and the manufacturing company in the training and retraining of existing staff of the enterprise; the practice development of basic and additional programs based on the results of studies of qualification needs of enterprises; the increase of employers’ satisfaction with the quality of preparation of graduates according to the results of the external evaluation of qualifications; the increase of productivity of participation of college students in the national championship, «Young professionals».

About the authors

Vladimir Anatolievich Gusev

Volga Region State College

Author for correspondence.

doctor of pedagogical sciences, director

Russian Federation, Samara

Olga Yurievna Nisman

Volga Region State College


candidate of pedagogical sciences, deputy director for educational and scientific work

Russian Federation, Samara


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Copyright (c) 2017 Gusev V.A., Nisman O.Y.

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