The «Union of Armenian Youth» in the structure of the Armenian Diaspora of Samara

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The paper considers the forms and directions of the activity of the public organization – the Union of Armenian Youth (UAY) in the socio-cultural environment of Samara, and shows its role in the life of the regional community of Armenians. The UAY appeared in 2015 as a «youth wing» in Samara Armenian national-cultural autonomy «Nairi». Currently it is engaged in organizing both youth events and large public events in the Armenian community. The main activities of the UAY are organization of national (Armenian) public events, thematic exhibitions, festivals in Samara and in the Samara Region; organization of work of national collectives; Sunday schools of the Armenian language, history and culture of the Armenian people; organization of participation of the UAY members in joint activities of other national public institutions on the territory of the Samara Region. The activities of the UAY are connected with the social life of the Armenian community of Samara and the region. Due to the activity of young people, the activities of Armenian public organizations are visible in the public space of the Samara Region. During a short period of time, the UAY has accumulated considerable experience of public activity, which contributes to the productive work of the organization. At the same time, there are some problems in its activity in cooperation with other Armenian organizations of the region. Being the most active part of the Armenian community of Samara, the UAY continues to develop dynamically, attracting new members to the organization and improving the forms of work in the Armenian community. The research is based on the analysis of field materials, the organization’s archive and Internet resources.

About the authors

Liana Alekseevna Aghajanyan

Duma of Samara Urban Okrug


candidate of historical sciences, head of Sector of Protocol Part

Russian Federation, Samara

Ekaterina Andreevna Iagafova

Samara State University of Social Sciences and Education

Author for correspondence.

doctor of historical sciences, associate professor, head of Philosophy, History and Theory of World Culture Department

Russian Federation, Samara


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Copyright (c) 2017 Aghajanyan L.A., Iagafova E.A.

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