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The phonetic level is the basis of the language system and deviations at this stage can influence other language levels in a negative way. Mispronunciation often means that a child is not ready for sound-letter analysis and this can result in his doing bad at school. There has been collected a lot of theoretical material on the problems of etiology, symptoms of speech violations in a variety of clinical forms of speech pathology, though much is left to be studied and described. For example, the structural principles of solving children’s speech problems should be elaborated.

About the authors

Oksana Yrievna Fedosova

Samara State Academy of Social Science and Humanities

Author for correspondence.
Email: oksanafedosova@yandex.ru

candidate of pedagogical sciences, assistant professor of the chair of speech therapists

443090, Russia, Samara, st. Pushkin / Br. Korostylevy, 248

Tatiana Viktorovna Nesterova

Samara State Academy of Social Science and Humanities

Email: oksanafedosova@yandex.ru

candidate of pedagogical sciences, assistant professor of the chair of speech therapists

443090, Russia, Samara, st. Pushkin / Br. Korostylevy, 248


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Copyright (c) 2014 Fedosova O.Y., Nesterova T.V.

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