The history of the school campus in Chechnya (1920s)

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The paper attempts to characterize the history of the school campus, which is one of the specific forms of national personnel training in the Chechen Autonomous Region in the 1920s. In the first Soviet decades considerable attention was paid to the problems of education in the national outskirts. The low level of literacy of the population of Chechnya, inherited from the past, led to the features of processes occurring in the field of education and culture. The lack of the required number of national personnel and the need for their concentration in one area to serve simultaneously several academic units led to the organization of Lenin campuses. In 1925 in Chechnya an education city was organized that united a pedagogical college, an agricultural school of the Soviet party school and a school with a total combined educational and economic part. By 1930 there had been changes in the structure of the school campus, which included by that time a reference school (four-year stage 1), a cooperative vocational school, one-year training courses in technical school, agricultural training. Teachers college was not included in the school campus by that time. The training campus in Chechnya trained thousands of party and Soviet, trade Union, Komsomol and farm workers and was an important link in the education system of the Chechen Republic.

About the authors

Khatmat Abuevna Matagova

Chechen State University

Author for correspondence.

candidate of historical sciences, associate professor of Russian History and Political Science Department

Russian Federation, Grozny


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