The Russian Theater in Berlin (1919-1923): the Experience of Cultural Exports

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The paper is devoted to the consideration of Russian theatrical activity in Berlin during 1919–1923, when Berlin was the focus of Russian theater life abroad, and active creative exchange between German and Russian cultures took place in this connection. The problem of exporting Russian art culture to Western countries is of interest for both domestic and foreign researchers. Among the topical problems on this issue, the Russian theater plays an important role. The study of this issue gives an idea of the potential of Russian culture in a different social and cultural environment. In the center of the research is the process of formation and development of Russian theatrical life in the German cultural environment. The author made an attempt to identify and disclose the main artistic directions of the Russian theater in Berlin in 1919–1923 and determine their role in bringing Germany to the achievements of national culture. The work uses materials from the memoirs of contemporaries and periodicals. On the basis of these sources it is shown that the theater played one of the fundamental roles in preserving the Russian cultural community and their cultural appearance on the overseas. Russian theatrical seasons contributed to the West’s involvement in the achievements of Russian culture and the establishment of cultural and artistic ties between Germany and Soviet Russia. Thus, the activities of the Russian émigré and touring Russian theater in Berlin in 1919–1923 reflected the high potential of Russian culture in the conditions of a foreign social environment.

About the authors

Maxim Evgenievich Popov

Gorno-Altaisk State University

Author for correspondence.

master student of History of Russia Department

Russian Federation, Gorno-Altaisk


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Copyright (c) 2017 Popov M.E.

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