Genesis and transformation of Polish-Lithuanian sovereigns’ protectorship right over the Livonian confederation lands

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As known, from the end of the XV century Livonia became the object of close attention of the sovereigns As known, since the end of the XV century Livonia became the object of close attention of the sovereigns of Denmark, Sweden, the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, the Crown of Poland and the Moscow State, who were attracted by its favorable strategic position, an important role in the international Baltic trade and rich land resources. However, the possibility of direct expansion by the Catholic states was limited by the status of Livonia as a «crusading state», under the auspices of the two most influential political assemblies of Catholic Europe – the Pope and the Holy Roman Empire of the German nation. An interesting way to bypass this obstacle was used by the rulers of the Polish-Lithuanian state, who applied a special form of political expansion that did not violate or at least created an appearance of preserving the papal and imperial prerogatives, and at the same time allowed them to postulate themselves as their legitimate implementers. That was promoted by the ancient political and legal concept according to which they acted as protectors and conservators of the states of the Livonian Confederation. It emerged in the XIV century, but, however, it was fully in demand by the rulers of the Polish-Lithuanian state only in the XVI century, when Livonia became the main object of the «battle for the Baltic» and a very interesting problem is the historical roots and the modification of this political concept from the time of its appearance to its finalization.

About the authors

Daniil Alexandrovich Bessudnov

Saint Petersburg State University

Author for correspondence.

postgraduate student of Slavic and Balkan Countries History Department

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg


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