Kurgan Halvay 5 - a complex of Sintashta culture from Northern Kazakhstan

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The paper is devoted to the study results of kurgan Halvay 5, which is located on the left bank of the Tobol branch of the Karatomar Reservoir (Northern Kazakhstan, Kostanay Region) 7 km to the north-east of Halvay and 500 m to the north-east of the Sintashta kurgan Halvay 3. The diameter of the kurgan is 30 m with a moat, the height is 0,8 m. Five burials were recorded under the embankment of the kurgan. All the primary burials of the kurgan Halvay 5 belong to the XXI century BC to Sintashta culture. All the main burials of the kurgan Halvay 5 were robbed in antiquity. The moat after the burial of the deceased (at least at the time of the robbery of the pits) was not filled up for a while. Funerary chambers have an overlapping of boards and logs, their walls are lined with bark and grass, the bottom is also covered with grass and bark. In the course of the study, the following analyses were performed: anthropological, paleozoological, paleobotanical, dendrochronological, X-ray fluorescent (XRF), radiocarbon. The sacrificial complex is represented by cattles, sheeps, and horses. The finds obtained as a result of the study of the kurgan Halvay 5 are: ceramic vessels, a bronze ax-adzo, stone arrowheads, abrasives and a zoomorphic altar. In the kurgan the Early Sarmatian burial was investigated.

About the authors

Andrey Viktorovich Logvin

Kostanay State University

Author for correspondence.
Email: logvin_a@mail.ru

head of Archaeological Laboratory

Kazakhstan, Kostanay

Irina Viktorovna Shevnina

Kostanay State University

Email: shevnina_i@mail.ru

researcher of Archaeological Laboratory

Kazakhstan, Kostanay

Alina Viktorovna Kolbina

Kostanay Regional Museum of Local History

Email: alina_ant@mail.ru

researcher of Regional History Division

Kazakhstan, Kostanay


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Figure 1 - Mound Halvay 5. 1 - situational plan; 2 - legend; 3 - bronze arrowhead from pit No. 3; 4 - ceramic vessel from pit No. 3; 5 - excavation plan

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3. Figure 2 - Mound Halvay 5. Funeral inventory. 1–4, 9 - pit No. 4; 5, 8 - pit No. 1; 6 - pit number 2; 7 - pit No. 5. 1-3, 9 - stone; 4 - bronze; 5–8 - ceramics

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4. Figure 3 - Mound Halvay 5. Burial items from the ditch. 1, 5–8 - ceramics; 2-4 - stone

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5. Figure 4 - Khalvay mound 5. 1, 2 - restored skull of a 25–30 year old man from pit No. 1; 3, 6 - remnants of the overlap of pit No. 1; 4 - a fragment of the bark facing of the wall of the burial chamber; 5 - a layer of grass on the overlap of pit No. 1; 7 - stone zoomorphic altar-ternik, partially covered with ocher from pit No. 4; 8 - traces of woodworking tools on the board from the floor from pit No. 1

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Copyright (c) 2017 Logvin A.V., Shevnina I.V., Kolbina A.V.

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