Ecological condition of the small rivers Ik and Syun in the Sharansky District of the Republic of Bashkortostan

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Currently the negative impact of man on aquatic ecosystems is very noticeable. This, in the final analysis, was reflected in the change in the hydrological regime of rivers and lakes. Environmental conditions in many water bodies deteriorated sharply. There are also acute exacerbations of water management situations, deterioration of water use conditions due to the lack of scientifically based principles of nature management in the catchment area, and quantitative and qualitative depletion of water resources due to the combined impact of various sectors of the national economy The ecological state of water bodies largely depends on external influences, the magnitude of which should not exceed the permissible limits. In this case, the ecosystem maintains its stability. The paper deals with the assessment of the ecological state of rivers and their resistance to polluting effects, in particular, an assessment of the quality of the water of the Ik and Syun rivers in the Sharansky District of the Republic of Bashkortostan. Physico-chemical and organoleptic analyses of the rivers have been carried out. The research was conducted in September-May 2016-2017. The analysis of the water was carried out in the analytical laboratories of the Tuimazy inter-district branch of the FBU «Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in the Republic of Bashkortostan». The water quality in the river was estimated using the Mayer index.

About the authors

Elvina Rishatovna Nafikova

Birsk branch of Bashkir State University


master student of Biology and Ecology Department

Russian Federation, Birsk

Aysylu Airatowna Islamova

Birsk branch of Bashkir State University

Author for correspondence.

candidate of biological sciences, associate professor of Biology and Ecology Department

Russian Federation, Birsk


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Figure 1 - BOD₅ in the water sample of the Xun River

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3. Figure 2 - The content of nitrites in the water sample of the Ik river

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4. Figure 3 - The content of suspended solids in the water sample of the Ik and Xun rivers

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5. Figure 4 - The content of iron ions in the water sample of the Xun and Ik rivers

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Copyright (c) 2017 Nafikova E.R., Islamova A.A.

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