Structure features of Artemisia salsoloides Willd. (Asteraceae) coenotic populations in the Samara Region

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Artemisia salsoloides Willd. (Asteraceae) is included in the Red Books of Russia and various regions, including the Samara Region. It is characterized by a narrow confinement to the ecological and phytocenotic conditions of habitats. We studied the structure of the populations of the species. Traditional stationary methods for cenotic populations study were used. The spatial structure was estimated using modern mathematical methods, calculation of K (r) Ripley functions and Ripley cross-functions was performed. The phytogenic fields of species that grow together with A. salsoloides are characterized. The research area includes the Samara Predvolzhye and Samara Zavolzhye region. In the averaged age spectrum, the predominant group is the mature generative group, which is slightly inferior in number to the old generative fraction. The features of the spatial distribution of A. salsoloides in the population of Sernovodsky Shihan (Sergievsky District of the Samara Region) are studied. Here Artemisia is dominant in the community Artemisia salsoloides Willd. + Hedysarum grandiflorum Pall. – Stipa korshinskyi Roshev. The density of A. salsoloides in the studied coenopopulation is 1,7 individuals per 1 m². Pregenerative individuals are randomly distributed. The generative individuals repel each other for a distance of 0,2 m, followed by random placement. There is a tendency to form aggregations of 0,6 m. The estimation of the mutual placement of A. salsoloides and Stipa korshinskyi, as well as Oxytropis floribunda, indicates a slight repulsion of individuals at a distance of 0,2 m, with Hedysarum grandiflorum – a significant repulsion at a distance of 0,4 m with the subsequent random placement of all representatives. The specimens of A. salsoloides and Ephedra distachya, as well as Scabiosa isetensis, have a random placement.

About the authors

Tatyana Evgenievna Zenkina

Volgogradnefteproekt; Volgograd State University


candidate of biological sciences, head of Ecology Department; senior lecturer of Biology Department

Russian Federation, Volgograd; Volgograd

Valentina Nikolaevna Ilina

Samara State University of Social Sciences and Education

Author for correspondence.

candidate of biological sciences, associate professor of Chair of Biology, Ecology and Methods of Teaching

Russian Federation, Samara


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Figure 1 - Basic ontogenetic spectrum of A. salsoloides populations in the Samara region (%)

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3. Figure 2 - Schematic map of the local density of the CP of Artemisia salsoloides (black dots - generative individuals, white dots - pre-generative individuals)

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4. Figure 3 - Behavior types of Ripley's function and Ripley's cross-function in the CPU of Artemisia salsoloides. a - pregenerative individuals; b - generative individuals; c - mutual placement of generative and pre-generative individuals; d - individuals without taking into account age states)

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5. Figure 4 - Schematic map of the local density of Stipa korshinskyi; behavior of the Ripley cross-function when A. salsoloides (black dots) and S. korshinskyi (white dots with a cross) are placed

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6. Figure 5 - Schematic map of the local density of Hedysarum grandiflorum; behavior of Ripley's cross-function in the mutual placement of A. salsoloides (black dots) and H. grandiflorum (white dots with a cross)

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7. Figure 6 - Schematic map of the local density of Oxytropis floribunda; behavior of Ripley's cross-function when A. salsoloides (black dots) and O. floribunda (white dots with a cross) are placed

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8. Figure 7 - Schematic map of the local density of Ephedra distachya; behavior of the Ripley cross-function when A. salsoloides (black dots) and E. distachya (white dots with a cross) are placed

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9. Figure 8 - Schematic map of local density of Scabiosa isetensis; behavior of Ripley's cross-function when A. salsoloides (black dots) and S. isetensis (white dots with a cross) are placed

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10. Figure 9 - Schematic map of the local density of Onosma simplicissima: black dots - A. salsoloides, gray dots with a cross - O. simplicissima

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11. Figure 10 - Schematic map of phytogenic fields distribution and behavior of the Ripley function for all types of the studied CP

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Copyright (c) 2017 Zenkina T.E., Ilina V.N.

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