Ecological characteristics of edificators and assectators of the southern taiga forests of the Chelyabinsk Region

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The following paper deals with the phytoindication of ecotopes of spruce forests on the western slope of Mount Lipovaya within the territory of the Kusinsky District. This phytoindication was made on the basis of D.N. Tsyganov’s ecological scales and with the help of «EcoScaleWin» computer software. The cenotic properties of species are estimated by their abundance in typical communities; limiting factors, ecological valence and tolerance are determined; the degree of use of ecological potencies and the efficiency of development of ecological space are estimated and the aggregate parameters of habitats are described. The vertical structure and composition of spruce stands are estimated, it is shown that Picea obovata is noted in all tiers, where Betula pendula and Pinus sylvestris are also present, but their numbers range from 10–20% of the total number of individuals in the study area. The unevenness of the distribution of the stand is noted. The ratio of the species of eco-and-coenotic groups is analyzed and it is shown that in the communities the species of the boreal and boron groups are predominated, the nemoral and meadow (including tall grass) groups contribute significantly, a small percentage belongs to the non-forest group species (wetland and plurizonal). Biomorphological analysis revealed that the life form is stable, it is represented by a single-stem tree with different shape of the crown, which indicates the different ages of Siberian spruce. The investigated phytocenosis is attributed to the late succession communities, the late stage of restorative succession, because the dominant is a typically competitive species. The research materials can serve as a basis for plant communities and coenotic populations monitoring, for identifying of the potential species richness of phytocenoses.

About the authors

Irina Anatolievna Getmanets

Chelyabinsk State University


doctor of biological sciences, head of General Ecology Department

Russian Federation, Chelyabinsk

Irina Valerievna Moskvina

Chelyabinsk State University


postgraduate student of General Ecology Department

Russian Federation, Chelyabinsk

Boris Alexandrovich Artemenko

South Ural State Humanitarian Pedagogical University

Author for correspondence.

candidate of biological sciences, acting head of Theory, Methods and Management of Preschool Education Department

Russian Federation, Chelyabinsk


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Figure 1 - Ecological-cenotic groups of the western slopes of Mount Lipovaya

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